CCA Synergia
The primary goal of this collaboration is to foster the beginning of a component community in computational accelerator physics, including creating initial collective effects-based components for an accelerator physics component toolkit.
Collaboration Status: Active
Partner Project Contact: Doug Dechow, Tech-X Corporation,
TASCS Contact: Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL,
Collaboration Summary: Synergia is a beam dynamics modeling application for high energy accelerators such as the Tevatron at Fermilab, the International Linear Collider, and Fermilab’s Project-X, which is now under planning and development. Synergia is one of the primary community codes in the the Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation (COMPASS) project, and it will be used in the area of beam dynamics modeling. In 2005, program managers from the DOE office of High Energy Physics recognized Synergia as a particularly promising tool for modeling accelerator dynamics.
The Synergia project began with the selected integration of Chef beamline libraries into the IMPACT beam dynamics application. The next phase in the evolution of Synergia was to create improved software interfaces through refactoring, resulting in a more extensible and general framework that enabled the exposed interfaces to be made available as Python modules. As a further proof of SynergiaAos flexibility, the IMPACT space charge solver has recently been augmented by the addition of a newly developed space charge solver that uses FFTW and PETSc. The next logical step in the interface development and refactoring effort has been making a subset of Synergia available as components compliant with the Common Component Architecture (CCA), which augments the benefits of object-oriented design for scientific computing through programming language interoperability and dynamic composability. A Phase-I SBIR project to make particle tracking and space charge effects in Synergia available as components was recently completed.
Our approach builds upon ongoing work on Synergia2 and MaryLie/IMPACT. In collaboration with the TASCS CET, we will employ the CCA to develop infrastructure for component-based accelerator simulations, with a goal of facilitating the interaction among multiple physics modules, such as space charge, electron cloud, and wakefield effects, and providing easy access to computational tools under development by SciDAC2 projects, such as TOPS, ITAPS, VACETS, TASCS, and PERI. For example, through common interfaces, prototype TOPS solver components offer easy access to a range of (non)linear solvers developed by different groups at different institutions, including hypre, PETSc, and SuperLU.
Collaboration Notes: Using funding provided through ASCR SBIR Phase I grant DE-FG02-06ER84520 (during the period 08/01/06 to 03/31/07), CCA/Synergia successfully demonstrated the creation of the following software components for beam dynamics simulations: a particle store, linear transfer maps, and a Poisson solver.
Software Involved: Synergia2, MaryLie/Impact, CCA toolkit, PETSc, FFTW
Collaboration URL: external-link
Partner Project URL: external-link
Partner Project Sponsorship: DOE non-SciDAC
Sponsorship Details: ASCR SBIR Phase I grant number DE-FG02-06ER84520 (08/01/06 to 03/31/07)