GWACCAMOLE: GroundWAter CCA MOdeling Library and Extensions
The goal of this collaboration is to create a framework for hybrid subsurface simulations that mix different physical models to create simulations that model subsurface behavior across scales.
Collaboration Status: Active
TASCS Contact: Manoj Krishnan, PNNL,
Collaboration Summary: This collaboration is focused on creating a framework for running a number of different types of subsurface simulation with the ultimate goal of integrating these different models into a single hybrid simulation that can model the behavior of systems that influenced by processes that occur over a broad range of scales. The current research effort is focused on integrating a smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code into the framework along with a continuum subsurface reactive transport code. The continuum code integration effort is also attempting to incorporate advanced numerical grid software being developed under the ITAPS project along with advanced solvers being developed under ITAPS. The ultimate goal is to have a framework for developing and performing subsurface simulations that will allow different models to be developed quickly and efficiently and will provide maximum reuse of general-purpose functionality.
Collaboration Notes: The SPH code has been entirely integrated into the cCaffeine implementation of the CCA specification. Work is currently underway to refine the interfaces so that this code has more flexibility to swap different implementations of components without altering any other modules or interfaces. Once this effort is complete, the framework will be handed off to application developers to implement more advanced models of reacting flows. The STOMP integration has been proceeding more slowly, primarily because this code is also be modified to use other software packages being developed under SciDAC. These include the grid libraries being developed by the ITAPS project and advanced solvers being developed under the TOPS project. Basic integration of STOMP into the cCaffeine has been completed and the solver and chemistry parts of the STOMP code have been separated into CCA components. Work is currently focused on replacing the grid in STOMP with grid libraries from ITAPS. The grid in STOMP will then be split into a separate CCA component as well. We also plan on converting the developer environment over to bocca sometime this winter.
Collaboration Image URLs: n/a
Software Involved: Ccaffeine framework
Collaboration URL:
Partner Project URL:
Partner Project Sponsorship: SciDAC Application/SAP