ITAPS: Interoperable Technologies for Advanced Petascale Simulations
Manifest the ITAPS interfaces for representing and working with unstructured meshes as a CCA component. Make this component available through the CCA Toolkit.
Collaboration Status: Active
TASCS Contact: Rob Armstrong, SNL,
Collaboration Summary: Prototype components have already been created using previous incarnations of the ITAPS interfaces. Since then, more functionality and efficiency have been added to the interfaces, warranting a fresh start on a new component. CCA is currently being used in ground water applications at PNNL that employ a home-grown, smoothed-particle hydrodynamics component for the data model. It is planned to move the applications to an unstructured mesh representation that would greatly benefit from this ITAPS component. This is a good example of how CCA facilitates a collaboration between SciDAC applications and computer science/math centers.
Collaboration Notes: Prototype component based on outdated ITAPS interfaces exists, updated component planned.
Collaboration Image URLs: None
Software Involved: ITAPS unstructured mesh interfaces and implementations
Collaboration URL: None
Partner Project URL:
Partner Project Sponsorship: SciDAC TASCS/Center, SciDAC ITAPS/Center